The Life-Changing Magic of Managing Up: Strategy # 4: Keep Your Commitments

This week, we are shifting our focus to strategy #4 in the Life-Changing Magic of Managing Up: Keep your commitments. When done well, this strategy complements each of the strategies that came before. All of the earlier strategies- responding, closing loops, and sending status reports mean nothing without your consistent, dedicated commitment to the practices described therein. Additionally, keeping your commitments is essential for building trust.

Think about it from the perspective of your leaders- if they’ve asked for your commitment to do something, and they’ve seen in the past that once you commit to something, you get it done, they can check that item off their list and move on to the next thing in their day. However, if they can’t trust you to get something done, that task keeps popping up on their radar. They may ask you for more frequent updates, they may feel the need to check-in every day until the thing is done, and even when it is done, they may ask you to confirm and re-confirm. This is the hallmark behavior of micro-management, and although it can be annoying, it comes from a perfectly reasonable place.

Your leaders are balancing A LOT of responsibilities. And the biggest insecurity they face is when something they’re relying upon doesn’t happen, AND, they don’t know about it. Those types of surprises are career-ending ones, and a leader who can’t count on you to keep your commitments is going to exhibit all kinds of micro-managing behaviors unless and until you can prove that you are dedicated to keeping your commitments.

One concept many companies sell their clients on is the ideas of a “no surprises” implementation. I’m suggesting that by practicing the strategy of keeping your commitments, you can sell your boss on a “no surprises” experience from you. That will help you build trust, and make you a person that your boss will come to rely upon. And the intersection of those two elements is the place where the life-changing magic is made. Having a boss that trusts you and counts on you will pay-off over and over again in your career. It has gained me promotions, raises, new clients, and more joy at work than I ever thought possible. Commitment is truly where the magic happens!

Strategy #4 Challenge:

Your challenge this week is to make a commitment and stick to it. It can be large or small, but the challenge this week lies in you committing yourself to it fully. Say yes, mean it, and ensure that whatever you’ve committed to actually happens. And, keep me posted on your progress! Leave a comment, or send me a DM and let me know what it feels like to commit fully and ensure a no-surprises experience for your leadership team.


The Life-Changing Magic of Managing Up: Strategy # 5: Dedicate Yourself to Their Success


The Life-Changing Magic of Managing Up: Strategy # 3: Send Status Reports